Have you heard about the Blue Lagoon Iceland? It’s just one of those few places on earth that will leave you breathless and amazed forever. I sure was the first time I visited the place. The Blue Lagoon Iceland is a huge outdoor lagoon with hot geothermal water originating from 2000 meters below the surface.
The Secret of The Blue Lagoon Iceland
On it’s way to the pool the water from the deep picks up minerals and silica that makes it incredibly healthy and comfortable to bathe in. Because of the algae, minerals and silica the water has this fantastic blue color. If you are ever around the Blue Lagoon Iceland , it’s really a must see! But then again there are so many must see attractions in Iceland, so make sure you have enough time on this magic island.
Don’t forget to try the Icelandic Food
This fall I’ve been fortunate to go to Iceland several times since my husband has worked there on a feature film project. Now, I would like to share some of the pictures I have taken on my trips with you so I can perhaps introduce you to this unique destination.
Iceland is a country of unique nature experiences and wonderful food. I have had a chance to dine on some fantastic restaurants and during the daytime we went to see some of nature’s marvels. Iceland must be one of the most spectacular destinations I have ever visited. I could keep on forever about the attractions this country has to offer, but instead I would like to let my pictures speak for themselves. However, if you do get a chance to go there, make sure you eat at these three great restaurants and make a stop at the Blue Lagoon Iceland:
1) The Red House
2) Snaps
3) Fish Company
Now check out some of these snapshots from my trip and see for yourself what the Icelandic nature has to offer.

thingvalla sunset – fall

Me in the Blue Lagoon

Sunset in Iceland – last drive

The West of Iceland

Have a look at this geysir

Iceland first snow

Iceland forever!

Me taking pictures for this blog post

Snæfellsness – last day of the trip

Rocky river Iceland

Snæfellsness, me thinking about this great recipe I’m going to make

Waterfall Iceland Gullfoss

Waterfall Gullfoss Iceland

waterfall near snæfellsness

Westfjords early fall

Snæfellsness Icelandic horses
Vilde billeder!
Jeg er SÅ heldig, at skulle derop om 2 uger. 4 dage i Reykjavik – det bliver fantastisk!
Vi skal bestemt forbi den Blå Lagune, og så skal vi spise på Fish Market, som vi har fået anbefalet. Har du været der?
Er billederne taget for nylig? Det ville være fantastisk med sne!
Tak Laura! Du kan godt glæde dig. Ja de fleste af billederne er taget for nyligt, men nogle er fra i sensommers. Jeg kender godt Fish Market og det er en super god restaurant – Prøv deres langoustine maki sushi, der er noget af det lækreste jeg har smagt. De har også en afdeling med fokus på kød som hedder Grill market. Den er også virkelig værd at besøge, hvis du har tid. Håber du får en rigtig god tur!
Tak for hurtigt (og fyldestgørende) svar 🙂
Jeg er sikker på, turen bliver god – tak!